Rain of Blooms Calendar Home Page

Last News March 27, 2004

Version 1.1 is now available with these features: (Download ...)
  • Tray Icon.
  • Installation file for binary.


Hello and welcome to "Rain of Blooms" homepage,

This software is a Jalali (Persian) calendar with a nice skin, you can make your skin and use it with this software.

This software is written by Visual C++ 2003, and you can download its source code here.

Please send me any question to zaghaghi@msn.com.

For more information go to project page;


How create a new skin?

It's one of the first questions that you want to give its answer when see this application at the first time.

Information about skins in this application stored in two files :

  • skin.lst
  • skin.cfg

skin.lst :

this file contains information about skins that install in the skin directory, in the first line of this file there is a number that shows selected skin by its index (indexes start from zero) and the other lines, in each line there is skin name (name of skin directory). this file must be in the same directory that the executable file of application exists.

skin.cfg :

this file that must be in the each skin directory and contains bellow layout :

Height = height
Width = width
backGround = background file name (*.bmp)
backGroundTop = background top (in pixel)
backGroundLeft = background left (in pixel)
backGroundTransparent = background transparency color ( r,g,b )
PersianMonth = picture file name (*.bmp)
PersianMonthTop = picture top (in pixel)
PersianMonthLeft = picture left (in pixel)
PersianMonthTransparent = picture transparency color ( r,g,b )
PersianYear = picture file name (*.bmp)
PersianYearTop = picture top (in pixel)
PersianYearLeft = picture left (in pixel)
PersianYearTransparent = picture transparency color ( r,g,b )
PersianDay = picture file name(*.bmp)
PersianDayTop = picture top (in pixel)
PersianDayLeft = picture left (in pixel)
PersianDayTransparent = picture transparency color ( r,g,b )
PersianWeek = picture file name(*.bmp)
PersianWeekTop = picture top (in pixel)
PersianWeekLeft = picture left (in pixel)
PersianWeekTransparent = picture transparency color ( r,g,b )

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